Where are you located?

I have a mobile office and serve clients all over the US, Malaysia, Australia, England, and more.

How long are your sessions?

Session times vary depending on the service you desire.

Shamanic Counseling and Depth Hypnosis sessions are 60 minutes.

For intuitive card readings with the Cards of AN, plan for 1.5 hours from the time we start to the time we end.

Drum healing sessions vary yet typically last 1 to 1.5 hours.

Anointings last 3 – 4 hours.

Do you offer sessions online?

Virtually all my sessions these days are offered via Zoom or phone.

Typically offered in person, a virtual anointing is a guided session through a self anointing or with a partner.

Please connect with me as this truly is a delicious time to commune with the oils.

How do I set up an initial 20- to 30-minute complimentary call?

Please reach out to me by Scheduling a Free Call.

If you have any questions, feel free to fill out the contact form at the bottom.

What is your cancellation policy?

Please understand cancellations affect you, me, and the person who could have had the time slot.

I request a 48-hour cancellation or time change. Full session fee is charged for missed or cancelled appointments with less than 48 hours’ notice.

Please contact via TEXT at (415) 517-4013.

The session fee is waived for unexpected emergencies with family or health.

How did you get into this work?
Along with realizing I was feeling the feelings of others – boy, can that be confusing! – I read a novel with a character who called herself a “death midwife.” I had no idea what that was; yet my entire body vibrated with energy, and I devoured the book.

Telling a mentor about this, she suggested I explore the deeper teachings of shamanism called “psycho pomp” which simply means “the guiding of souls.” Thus, my lifelong explorations into the realms of the unseen began, and my desire to assist others discovering the magic of their gifts was sparked.

What is a shaman anyway and are you one?

Becoming a shaman is a lifetime of hard work! It is often but not always a hereditary role. A true shaman spends their life living shamanically – in total and complete relationship with nature, something rarely found in western culture.

The honorary term of shaman is bestowed by one’s tribe or community. Like an enlightened being or guru, few westerners reach this state.

As much as I might dream about being an enlightened being, I am neither a guru, nor a shaman.

I agree with Michael Harner and reserve the term ‘shaman’ as a mark of respect for people in indigenous cultures living a shamanic life.

I am a shamanic practitioner – a modern westerner practicing core shamanism.

What is core shamanism?
Core shamanism is a term coined by Michael Harner, an anthropologist, who in observing different shamanic cultures found that while there were various cultural differences, the core aspects of journeying to helping spirits was similar cross culturally and amazingly consistent through the span of time.
Isn’t this cultural appropriation?
Cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements drawn from a minority culture and used by a dominant culture without permission. It is a critical issue and warrants attention.

Many indigenous shamans were called by their spirits to spread their teachings to the western world and thus often traveled for days, even weeks, to reach destinations in the western world.

They knew the fate of our species and, most importantly, this sacred earth depended on the human race waking up. They had tools, gifts, and medicines to heal the human body, heart, and spirit, and were guided to share them with the world.

Today, many westerners travel to the native places of these indigenous shamans to receive healing, renewing their bodies and spirits.

Does connection with spirit belong to any one culture or person? Does making that connection belong to one specific culture? Is our world best served when we are in deep connection and inquiry with the workings of this earth? Does it assist me and those I work with to connect with their higher selves and their ancestral roots, and thus heal and elevate the earth?

It is from these questions I arrive at this work and continue sharing and learning. As hunter gatherers, our ancestors, regardless of where they came from, shared communion with the earth, sky, and sun spirits.

The indigenous peoples remember and keep this sacred relationship alive as an operating template when the rest of us are ready to RE MEMBER. I maintain studies with both western and indigenous teachers who listen and understand we all benefit when we are deeply connected with self and the natural world in which we live and bear responsibility for its care.

Why am I so sensitive?

Sensitivity is a normal trait found in 15-20% of the population. It is an innate survival trait found in 100s of species including fish, cats, dogs, and horses – even fruit flies! Being sensitive means you are aware of subtleties.

The challenge is a physical system that gets overstimulated and overwhelmed in a modern world by noise, crowds, and even certain foods. Feeling different from the other 80-85% of the population can lead to feelings of isolation, self-criticism, and self-esteem issues. Lack of self-care around your sensitivity can lead to chronic pain and various autoimmune issues. Yuck!

In the scientific world, it is known as “sensory-processing sensitivity” – which makes it sound like a problem! IT ISN’T!!!! IT’S YOUR SUPERPOWER!!

Recognizing who you are allows you to cultivate your talents and gifts, learn how to care for self (cause this part is critical), and find where your gifts serve the highest and best outcome for your life.

It also means you need your work and life in general to have meaning, even more than others do. For most of us, this meaning boils down to helping others, so again, self-care is critical for a sensitive, which may include more alone time, connection with nature, energy healing, meditation, sleep (go ahead – take that nap!), music, and bath time. Whatever helps you ease your mind, body, and spirit.

Am I an empath?

An empath is a finely attuned being who perceives the feelings and sensations of other people or beings, often unknowingly. An empath typically enjoys quiet communion with nature, one other being, or a good book. It is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed or drained by the outside word.

An empath may also perceive or know things other people simply do not.

Am I just crazy or weird?

In late middle English, weird meant ‘having the power to control destiny.’

Who wouldn’t want to be weird by that definition and learn how to orient with harmony through the portals of earthly existence?

The tools and techniques of shamanism assist in connecting with power and learning how to work with the energies that inform this planet, providing the knowledge and skill a sensitive empath needs to navigate life.

16th century English defines crazy as “full of cracks.” As Leonard Cohen so famously sang, “There is a crack, a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

Being sensitive, intuitive, or empathic can feel disorienting, crazy, and weird, because we lack a cultural context that teaches us the deeper truths and skills to connect with our essential natures and understands that there is a world beyond.

Learning to claim your energy and separate it from others is key to a life of joy and freedom, and will free you from feeling yanked around by feelings and sensations you cannot explain.

I feel like I just don’t want to be here.

This is a common experience for sensitive sorts. Our world is simply not designed in such a way to recognize and validate the wisdom you embody or how to care for yourself and support you deepening in the wisdom you innately embody.

Feeling like you don’t want to be here and feeling actively suicidal are different. If you have a plan in place to end your life or contemplate suicide, this is brain chemistry OUT OF BALANCE. Please seek professional help ALONG with support for your spirit. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and you are loved.

PLEASE know if you feel this way, it is LIFE asking you to FIND A NEW WAY and open your being for the support that is all around you.

What is initiation?

Shamanic perspective holds that this entire earthly life is one big initiation! INITIATION is a threshold – a crossing from one way of being to another.

Sometimes they are quite challenging, these initiations.

Going from the small contained warmth of your mother’s womb to this spacious world is a significant initiation.

Birthdays, puberty, first sexual experience, marriage, illness, death, childbirth, sexual identity questions, – these are all significant portals of change in our current cultural set-up and thus are considered INITIATIONS.

Surgery and accidents often trigger initiations – a change in the way one sees and experiences the world.

There are also initiations given to us by our helping spirits in the unseen realms to support our empowerment and success in dealing with this earthly existence. Connecting with your helping spirits will guide and support you in navigating your life with a greater sense of empowerment, wisdom, and ease.


Did you create the Cards of AN?

These cards for the New Earth were created over a period of 20 years by Solara of the Heart of AN, as a Living Tool to support our awakening journey.

She gathered True Ones from across the globe activating the 11:11 portals beginning January 1992 – November 2012.

A huge undertaking. You can explore more at https://anvisible.com/introduction/.