Drum Healings

Traveling to the beat of different drums

Max finally discovers the source of his pain

Max had suffered serious shoulder pain for years. Though he’d experienced some relief here and there with various therapeutic treatments, it never quite went away.

Finally, he came for a drum healing.

The drumming session progressed with various sound tools that emanated different elements of wind and rain.

At times it would crescendo with great intensity – then settle into a silent yet potently energized field.

Max shared he was shown a storyline in another place and time where he had been stabbed from behind. While he did not “see” the person, he felt it somehow connected to a current business deal that had gone awry.

Kelly finds peace and freedom from inner turmoil

Kelly’s time as a journalist in Afghanistan had created serious challenges for her energy and life.

She too came for a drum healing, which began quietly with whistling wind and spirit song.

As she progressed more deeply, thunder beings arrived; the intensity and fierceness of the energy escalated, evolving eventually to a soothing quiet rain.

When she emerged a bit dazed, she shared feeling a weight had lifted from her heart. She could breathe easier and recalled feeling like her head had received a flood of light.

She further shared meeting a being she recognized as an ancestor who wanted to assist her in her life.

Discovering harmony in body, mind, and spirit

Drum healing uses the rhythm of sound to restore vibrational integrity of body, mind, and spirit.

Using the drum, my voice, and various other sound tools – including silence – helping spirits are called forth, ones I have cultivated relationships with, and the helping spirits working with you, to restore, heal and uplift your body, mind, and spirit.

Speaking to your individuality

Because you’re a unique being with your own needs for balanced health, each drum healing is an incredibly unique experience.

No two are alike.

As humans, we’re made of and respond to frequency. In a drum healing, the specific frequency you need for your evolution will come through.

Sound heals. And when used in communion with helping spirits, profound transformation occurs.

Offering healing AND initiation

Drum healings often offer you an initiation, as well as a healing.

An initiation is a doorway, an invitation across a threshold from one way of being to another.

Life offers us many initiations – birth, birthdays, graduations, business challenges.

For example, Max realized that while he had felt betrayed, the drum healing showed him an area where he needed to step up more responsibly. In this way, the drum healing was also an initiation, as Max developed personal integrity that benefited his future business dealings.

Kelly too experienced an initiation in her transmission of light. In our continued work together, she learned the shamanic journey and deepened her path with helping spirits.

Meeting you wherever you are

Whether you are familiar with or new to the shamanic path, drum healings support clearing specific issues of your body, mind, and spirit.

They help dissolve old, trapped energies, opening the path for elevated energies to enter your field.

The course of your drum healing will be unlike that of any other and may include power retrievals, the reclamation of lost parts of self, the extraction of energies that no longer serve and are not native to your energy system.

They can also include activations and infusions of light codes that serve your growth and evolution.

Clear your way to a new and better self and LIFE.

Drum healings can release you from what no longer serves you, uplifting you with frequencies to liberate your essential nature – a nature that’s powerful, pure, whole, and complete.

An individualized unique experience, your drum healing will gift you in ways that serve YOUR HIGHEST GOOD.

Schedule a Free Call to begin the healing process.

Empower yourself to take that next step into the purest expression of YOU!