Tools and tricks for elevated living
My desire here is to offer you useful strategies for elevating yourself in your life as a sensitive empath.
I’m a very practical gal and need tools always in my back pocket for those times when things get desperate and chaos reigns, or when I need to clear and uplift my mind and energy field.
As a sensitive empath, you have probably already discovered you’re a happier, more energized being when you avoid processed sugar, wheat, dairy, alcohol, and caffeine.
Actually, most people feel better eliminating these things from their diet; for a sensitive empath, it is especially beneficial for increased physical and mental well-being and increased overall vitality.
Super Hero Breathing
Unless you are dead, you’re never without your breath! Learning how to make it work for you is one super power you can’t do without. My first go-to is the Super Hero Breath. I use this in all kinds of situations – including desperation for a bathroom that isn’t there!
I taught it recently to a four-year-old I was ushering across a cold river. When he slipped and got wet, he of course was looking for his mom and wanted to go back. In that moment I taught him to use his Super Hero Breath – which gave him the choice to continue crossing or find his mom. He kept crossing!
It’s REALLY easy, and you can do it ANYWHERE – as loud or soft as you please!
- SNIFF 3 times IN through your NOSE
- Clamp your lips together making a popping POE sound as you exhale with vigor.
- REPEAT as many times as needed.
It works to relieve anxiety, fear, anger, irritation, judgment – you know – when you really don’t want to listen to this person next to you. It will even clear your mind if you need an idea. It’s my fail-safe “go to” breath, but it’s not the only one!

Balanced Inhale and Exhale
Another breath that is EASY to do anywhere anytime is a Balanced Inhale and Exhale. It’s simple, too.
- INHALE 4 counts,
- EXHALE 4 counts.
That’s it!
You can alter it by extending the count, BUT ALWAYS MAKE IT EVEN.
You can alter it further by adding a hold at each end:
- INHALE 4 counts
- HOLD 4 counts
- EXHALE 4 counts
This is a great breath to do before getting out of bed. I do this one in traffic, in the grocery line, while doing dishes or bathing. It is very harmonizing and centering.
Try it for yourself and see what you notice!
Alternate Nostril Breathing
Alternate nostril breathing is my third go-to breath.
- Using your thumb
- Plug your right nostril
- Exhale and inhale through left nostril
- Plug left nostril with ring finger
- Exhale and Inhale right,
- Deep Exhale Inhale one nostril
- Deep Exhale Inhale the other
- Continue 1-5 minutes
One of my favorites, this alternate nostril breathing deeply harmonizes and balances the brain, emotions, and your energy body. I find this ESPECIALLY useful when transitioning from work to home life or when my brain is just exhausted.

Self Oil Massage
To be honest, this one took a while to integrate in my life. But, with some trial and error, I found my rhythm and now I hardly go a day without doing a SELF OIL MASSAGE.
You can make this as long or short an experience as you like, and it can be done in the AM or PM – find what works best for you.
I began doing this in the evening before bed but eventually realized it works best for me to wake up and energize my body for the day. You, however, may find it soothing and relaxing, making it a ritual better suited for evening.
1. Using any oil you like – coconut, almond, sesame, any blend of oil that works for you, starting with your scalp, ears, and face, gently massage oil into your body, working your way DOWN your entire body, including your back.
I spend extra time with elbows, knees, and ankles loving them up and thanking my entire body for all it does for me. Sometimes I play sacred music, but most of the time I prefer silence.
2. Avoid oil in the hair if needed, but don’t skip the scalp all together – just rub it without oil.
3. THEN JUMP IN THE SHOWER. The oil stays on moisturizing your skin. Towel dry, and you’re done!
You can do self oil massage as a daily practice; but if you are just starting, try it once or twice a week. OR begin with just your HEAD, EARS, and FEET – this alone is very beneficial.
4. For added vigor, give your body a cold-water rinse. Most of the time I manage only my feet, lower legs, face, and ears, but go for the entire body if you can!
SELF OIL MASSAGE is exceedingly balancing for the emotional body. If you live alone and like more physical contact than you typically get, this is a wonderful practice to integrate into your life.
It has also been a lifesaver when I travel. For a sensitive empath, travel isn’t always the easiest experience. But with breath techniques above and self oil massage, I settle with ease into the new environment.
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