Nia felt directionless.
She was depressed and anxious. What to do about it was unclear, but something had to change.
She’d been to traditional therapy, and it helped; yet she felt an insistent nagging inside her that wanted to be heard.
Sensitivity is a gift.
A sensitive sort, Nia preferred the outdoors to large crowds where she often felt overwhelmed by all the energy. Nature soothed and spoke to her – even though she might not admit it out loud.
The rocks called to her; feathers arrived as gifts from friends and fell to her feet during walks. She felt they meant something, but was she just imagining it?
Did any of it mean anything? And if it did, how could she figure it out?
Nia’s unexpected path.
Last night, the text in her novel blazed boldly in a fiery golden red, telling her she was on the path of the wounded healer. What did that even mean?!
The words were not on the page when she checked the next day. It was just all so confusing.
A part of her wondered if she was just a little bit nuts?!?!

Jesse was tired of her relationship drama.
Should she stay?
Should she go?
She thought she wanted to go, and yet couldn’t.
She wanted more work satisfaction.
Work was okay, but she didn’t love it. It paid the bills.
She wanted some deeper insight and INSPIRATION!
Jesse sometimes wished for a wise grandmother to guide her.
Something was trying to speak to her.
But she couldn’t quite hear the message through all the noise of life.
She wanted information and insight from something greater than herself, a connection that gave voice to her soul and spirit.
But how?

Makayla was ready for a big change.
She decided to do a plant medicine ceremony, yet wasn’t sure the best way to go about it.
Safety and being as prepared as possible were important to her.
She had spoken to friends and did some reading which helped, but also kind of scared her.
Makayla sought support.
She knew the ceremony could bring up painful stuff from her past, so she was smart about seeking support before the ceremony. This included learning what to do if she had a “bad” trip.
She also wanted to know there was someone she could go to for support in the days and weeks after her ceremony.
Getting that support in place would give her the confidence to move forward with her plan.

When you feel bogged down by the world…
Sensitive people often feel bogged down by the weight of this world without totally understanding why.
A sense of isolation can take over.
Sometimes, it’s really hard to feel where you belong.
When you just want to know what to do…
A part of you secretly wants that crystal ball to show you the future and how to get there, while the rest of you knows that is completely ridiculous.
Hearing and feeling into your right next step sometimes takes a little outside perspective.
While you are the one who determines your future, we all benefit from seeking wise and compassionate council.
Clarify, Connect, and Practice Self-Compassion
Fear, anxiety, and depression can be liberated through connection with the messages of your soul.
Listening from deep within while you are guided compassionately into clarity and inner connection, you hear the truths calling you to your highest expression.
When change is desired, entering into a healing container, a healing space created by a professional inspires your inner-healer and self-empowerment – which cultivates self-compassion.
Hi, I’m Julianna.

You should know the strength, power and gift you are to the world.
Spirit is guiding you. Learning how to connect with spirit intentionally gives you clarity and empowers your life.
Seeking support for that connection when needed is wisdom. No one walks this earthly life alone.
It’s about CONNECTION. It’s about Healing. It’s about developing a soul relationship for your life journey.
YES! It is possible to discover the GIFT you are and LIVE an EMPOWERED, SOUL-ENRICHING life.
“I need some PERSPECTIVE and INSIGHT.”
An intuitive card reading with the Cards of AN gives deep loving insight about where you are now along with the gifts and obstacles to clear for living in your TRUE HEART PURE HEART frequency.
“I need to understand what is going on!”
So, spirit is talking and you want to understand and make sure you are not crazy! With shamanic counseling, you can learn how to connect intentionally with spirit and how to weave these messages into your daily life.
“Despite all the work I have already done, I am still stuck with this pattern!”
You have worked hard, yet you notice a consistent pattern that still runs your life in a less-than-glamorous way! Getting to the root of it once and for all would feel so LIBERATING!